Filatelia Gazzera - online Shop

The Home page of
This online shop, commissioned by Mr. Paolo Gazzera, allows the administrators to upload and edit the items in the Catalogue via a Windows App, the App prepares a zip file containing a csv file for the Catalogue entries and the images for each entry.
Every item comes with potentially infinite images, the Categories of the Catalague are directly created by the item description.
The order's page allows the customers to order directly from the web catalogue, choose the shipping and payment methods and check the order status, the PayPal payment is fully integrated and the site sends a notify of payment in automatic at the arrival of payment.
Every new order is notified by an email sent to the administrators and to the customer who ordered; the Windows App, that allows the Administrator to edit the Catalogue, checks, and in the case notifies with a pop up window, for new orders.
The App also makes PDF of every order to help in the shipping and invoicing process.

The Home page of in mobile view
We also have developed a mobile version of the site.
In the mobile version every page is still accessible, it changes only the layout.
The mobile or desktop versions are auto detected and applied by the site by checking the browser and O.S. of the user, but if an user prefers one version instead of the default one, they are changeable by clicking a link in the footer of the page.
Designs in connection with postage stamps and coinage may be described, I think, as the silent ambassadors on national taste.

William Butler Yeats